Dynatron Services

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Commodore S R Kapoor, VSM (Retd)

Commodore Sanjiv Raj Kapoor, is a veteran submariner with over 3 decades of experience in Sub-surface domain of Indian Navy. The officer has cross-functional work experience in multiple domains and has held top-level assignments in operations, training, retail and port management, offshore security and administration. Cmde Kapoor has the sole distinction of commanding the Indian Navy’s submarine fleet and submarine mother base on both East and West coast. The officer has also held command of the Asia’s largest VLF Communication facility, “Fleet Replenishment Carrier,” German, HDW Type 209 and Russian make Foxtrot Submarines.

His education qualifications include two master’s degrees apart from distinctions in several courses in advanced management techniques. He holds certifications in Behavioural science and Independent Director from Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies, Pune.